Spaces of PSC metrics and parametrised Morse theory (YTM 2022)

©Adriano Córdova Abstract: Scalar curvature is a purely geometric notion by definition. But it turns out, that there are topological obstructions to admitting a Riemannian metric of positive scalar curvature (psc). These obstructions can tell you a lot about the question of existence of psc metrics. In my talk I want to focus on the natural follow-up question of uniqueness. This is correctly phrased as studying the homotopy type of the space of positive scalar curvature metrics....

Young Topologists Meeting 2018

This was a byproduct of my Master’s thesis. Abstract Atiyah’s $KR$-theory from his “$K$-Theory and Reality” paper (1966) establishes a unified view of complex and real $K$-theory and in particular gives a quite elegant proof of the periodicity theorem for $KO$. In this expository talk I will try to give a quick overview of the basic properties of this theory and afterwards focus on the proof of Bott periodicity in the real case via $KR$-theory....